
Conform legislației românești un spin-off este acel operator economic cu personalitate juridică , supus reglementărilor care privesc societățile comerciale, a căror activitate este orientată spre valorificarea cunoștințelor științifice, rezultatelor cercetării, tehnologiilor sau inovațiilor tehnice sau administrative ale unei instituții de cercetare dezvoltare și la care aceasta poate să participe.

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai susține participarea nediscriminatorie a oricărui angajat atât pentru constituirea de spin-off-uri cât și pentru funcționarea acestora. Universitatea poate sprijini constituirea spin-off-urilor sub afiliere proprie atât cu fonduri cât și prin alte mijloace.

Firme spin-off ale UBB – competențe dezvoltate, rezultate obținute în cadrul universității

No. Numele companiei Data înființării Web link Scurtă descriere

SC Psychological Solutions and Technologies SRL

Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities.

Persoana de contact: Oana David.

2 SC RADON CONTROL SA 2020 https://radoncontrol.ro An innovative system for monitoring, control and decreasing radon exposure. Results: Increasing safety and health of population, improving indoor environmental quality and optimize the energy efficiency of housing through the development of integrated intelligent systems to monitor, control and reduce exposure to radon and other household pollutants, based on innovative interdisciplinary research
3 SC Chocolate Management SRL 2017 Krausz.ro Innovative sale of handmade products
4 Polyp Communications SRL 2017 divads.ro Diversity Advertising deals with the creation of online and offline campaigns, webdesign & development and the creation of the corporate identity of companies, organizations and events through visual elements (design, photo, video).
5 Nature Education Community Center SRL 2018 https://www.facebook.com/necces Ecological education services and innovative ecological products for schools and communities.ű
6 SC AllWood RCM SRL 2019 casilex.ro Smart furniture for the new digital age.
7 SC iSpace SRL 2019 https://www.facebook.com/ispaceromania Electronical supplies for equipements
8 Division Boutique Agency SRL 2018 https://teamdba.co Development of human-centered design solutions in brand strategy and visual identity.
9 CodexWorks Technologies 2017 https://codexworks.com Development of personalized web solutions, automating business processes
10 Prisma Platform Solution SRL 2020 https://theprismaplatform.com Development of integrative communication solutions for firms
11 Biomed Data Analytics SRL 2020   Research in the domain of intelligent specializations, particularly with regards to biomedical area, analysis of biomedical data by multivariate statistics and by the use of artificial intelligence.