Novartis Datathon Challenge

The fourth edition of the Novartis Datathon Challenge (November 25-28, 2021) will host the best Data Scientists experts in data visualization and prediction problems to solve a Big Data challenge focused on predictive analysis and AI, applied to forecasting and allocation of resources in a large company in the pharmaceutical sector: Novartis.

It will be held from November 25 to 28, 2021 through the Microsoft Teams Platform, just like the last edition.

There will be € 7,000 for the 3 best teams!

1st PRIZE: € 4,000

2nd PRIZE: € 2,000

3rd PRIZE: € 1,000

At the level of PARTICIPANT PROFILE, we are looking for teams of 1 to 4 people made up of:

• Data Scientists with knowledge in data visualization, resource allocation, and prediction problems.

• Have experience in data analysis packages such as Python, scykit learn, Matlab, R, etc.

We have already opened registration: